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Volunteer Requirements

ULL is an 100% volunteer league

All adults at ULL are volunteers giving their personal time and efforts to ULL at the snack shack, working on the fields, coaching, cleaning, umpiring, running tables, and scorekeeping. This league owes everything to our ULL families!

Players family Volunteer responsibility

As the league operates via volunteers, there are many roles required to have a high quality league. Note: Applicable for the Spring season. So in addition to the Registration Fees, on a per-child basis, each family is responsible for:

  • 1 player: 8 hours of volunteer time
  • 2 players: 12 hours of volunteer time
  • 3 or more players: 16 hours of volunteer time

Volunteer buyout option?

Not all families are able to meet the above volunteer commitments so we offer a "buy-out" option - we will always prefer your time volunteering but you can elect this option during registration for $300 per child contribution to the League. Note: Applicable for the Spring season.

Volunteer deposit until time completed

If you do not select the buyout option, please bring a check to the League's Player Verification Night in December for the Spring season. This check will be held by the league's Volunteer Coordinator, and will NOT be cashed if parents fulfill the volunteer requirements for the season. Once volunteer hours are fulfilled, the check will be returned or destroyed. Note: Applicable for the Spring season.

  • Buyout for 1 Child: $300
  • Buyout for 2 Children: $400
  • Buyout for 3 or more children: $500

Volunteer Hours Tracking:

We will be using to track volunteer hours. In January, once team rosters are finalized, you will be emailed a link to create or update your family profile. Your hours will reflect how many children you have in the league and if you have a team role. We ask ONE member of the family activate the account for the volunteer tracking. Please contact us if you need to merge accounts.

The league Volunteer Coordinator (in conjunction with the Snack Shack Coordinator, Chief Umpire, Facilities Director and Team Coordinators) will be responsible for tracking participation of each league family. Note: Applicable for the Spring season.

Ways to Fulfill Your Volunteer Requirement:

Volunteer for a Team Staff Position, listed below.
Team Coordinator, Scorekeeper, or Coach cover the volunteer requirements for ONE child.
If you have multiple children in the league, you will be asked for additional hours OR an additional role. Each Staff Positions covers 8 hours of volunteer time. Please note, time on the baseball field will likely result in more than 8 hours given for a staff position. That does NOT decrease the need for volunteers around the league and facilities nor will it cover your need to give additional time. Please contact the volunteer coordinators for more information or alternative ways to help. Note: Applicable for the Spring season.

Staff Positions by TEAM Level:

ALL Teams have 5 Staff Positions available

  1. T-BALL* - Manager | Coach | Coach | Coach | Team Coordinator
  2. A - Manager | Coach | Coach | Score Keeper | Team Coordinator
  3. AA - Manager | Coach | Coach | Score Keeper | Team Coordinator
  4. AAA - Manager | Coach | Coach | Score Keeper | Team Coordinator
  5. Majors - Manager | Coach | Coach | Score Keeper | Team Coordinator
  6. Juniors* - Manager | Coach | Coach | Score Keeper | Team Coordinator

Divisions with *

T-BALL - Teams may have a 3rd coach in place of a Score Keeper. However, all teams will be asked to keep “score” in GameChanger App to learn how to use the app, including T-Ball. If T-Ball opts for a 3rd coach, the Score Keeper will NOT be counted as a Staff Position and many people are encouraged to try and learn the GameChanger App.

JUNIORS - Volunteering Shifts will look a little different for your season. Field work days for the Juniors teams will be available to JUNIORS families with priority. Family Fun Day/ Picture Day shifts will be available. There is talk of having some cooler refreshments and snacks available for games. This would need to be spearheaded by a Juniors parent. All players' families must participate in some form of volunteering. Ideas are welcome.

Team Volunteer Roles

  • Manager will cover all of your volunteering hours, regardless of the number of children you have in the league. In this role you will manage the practice schedule and practice plans. You will fill your teams volunteer roles and ensure they are clear on their duties to assist you and the league. Additionally only the team manager may engage with Umpires during games. The manager is also responsible to follow the ULL Code of Conduct.
  • Coach will support the team manager in facilitating practices and games. As a volunteer Coach you are responsible to follow the ULL Code of Conduct.
  • Score Keeper is responsible for inputing the team lineup into GameChanger and for scorekeeping at all homes games. For games as the visitor, you are responsible for the manage the Score board visible to the teams and fans. Additionally as a volunteer you are responsible to follow the ULL Code of Conduct.
  • Team Coordinator supports the manager and the league through out the season. Typically this includes getting player numbers from the players, acquiring the teams jerseys and practice shirts and getting the names, #'s and LL patch on before the season opener. You will be communicating with families throughout the season about events, volunteer requirements, game RSVP's, helping coaches setup the fields. Additionally assist the manager in gathering the required safety forms for each player, inputing events into GameChanger and most importantly coordinate the end of the year party for the team. Lastly as a volunteer you are responsible to follow the ULL Code of Conduct.

Other Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Once team rosters are complete and you’ve been given a trackitforward profile, you can volunteer for the below opportunities. Note: Only applies for the Spring season.
  • Snack Shack Volunteers - The snack shack is staple to the league providing food, snacks and refreshments to the players, siblings, family and volunteers. From managing the grill to a cashier.
  • Verification Night Help - welcome families at Verification Night.
  • Evaluation Day Volunteer - working a half day shift during evaluations
  • Special Fields & Facilities Days - working a shift at one of the special field clean up days
  • Special League Events - work a shift at special league events (eg: Family Fun Day, Sectional, Divisional, or State Tournaments).
  • Umpire - Working a minimum of three games as Umpire can fulfill the entire volunteer requirement. Visit our ULL Umpire page for more info about umpiring opportunities for youths and adults.

Signup to volunteer!

After the season schedule has been finalized, parents will have an opportunity to sign up for shifts at the Snack Shack, to help out with field maintenance and improvement projects, to work games as an umpire, or to help out with special events such as Opening Day, Family Fun Day, the Hit-a-Thon, and more. The Volunteer Coordinator and the Team Coordinators will communicate these opportunities primarily through email. Signups will be organized through our volunteer tracking site:

Have a different volunteer idea?

If parents would like to submit a proposal for fulfilling volunteer requirements in another way, such as a special project, we'd love it! Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]

Background Checks:

Before serving, each volunteer is required to be fingerprinted via LiveScan, as well as pass a Federal background check through the DOJ that contains: Social Security ID search, National Criminal Search Plus Developed Names, Sex Offender, Safe Sport Exclusion List, and Little League Exclusion List. More information is available from JDP at (855) 799-8753, or [email protected].


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